

The latest happenings at ULS

New In The Rack: JLM LA500A

Our summer-long build-out of the studio’s 500-series racks continues.  This week I’m working on adding four new LA500A units from Australia’s JLM Audio.

New In The Rack: dbx 560A

Turning away from the DIY world for a moment, recently we added a studio classic to our dynamics arsenal.  Two of them, actually, because at $150 each, picking up a pair was an absolute no-brainer.

New In The Rack: Hairball Audio Elements Bronze

I am a creature of momentum.  I tend to work on the same project in spurts.  So it’s perhaps not surprising that the ol’ soldering iron has been very, very busy lately.

New In The Rack: Hairball Audio-MNATS FET/500

“47.” “414.” “1073.”  In pro audio circles, there are a lot of pieces of gear that have become so famous, so well known, or so ubiquitous, that you simply need to mention the model number and everyone knows what you’re talking about.  This is the story of another such number: 1176.

Nice Rack You Got There

When we designed our studio, we knew we weren’t going to have tons of space for outboard gear. So we’ve become big fans of 500 Series gear.

We Got Game

Last night, our neighborhood had its rotating, monthly poker game.  OK, maybe not monthly, since it seems like we miss more games than we play.  Call it a quarterly game.

Let’s Do This.

On behalf of Ann and me, welcome to the Undisclosed Location Studios blog! Getting this place fully up and running has been a multi-year effort, with a couple of major setbacks along the way. But it’s nice to feel like we’ve finally got our feet under us.
