On the opposite side of the Control Room from ISO 1 is the larger of the two main recording spaces on the main level, ISO 2a/2b. This 220-sf recording space is intended for recording projects with larger groups of singers or full bands. The space may be roughly divided in half with a soundproof partition, which is particularly useful in situations where additional isolation is needed but visual contact between the performers cannot be compromised.
24″ video monitors & computer control in each space — Great for “self producing” situations where the talent needs to see what the session engineer is seeing.
Flexible lighting options — Do you perform best in rooms that are dark and moody? Warm and friendly? Professional and clean? Our theatrical-style full color lighting system provides an inspiring palette to get you in just the right mood for maximum creativity. Learn More
Conductor Cam — All recording spaces in the facility (except ISO 3, which looks directly onto the Control Room‘s main screen) are equipped with a closed-circuit video system, allowing the talent and production staff working in the various rooms to be in latency-free visual contact with each other at all times.